Términos y condiciones


  • Por la presente autorizo ​​a Pumps for Mom de Neb Doctors (en adelante denominado “Proveedor”) a proporcionar el equipo prescrito anteriormente y entiendo que el Proveedor es una empresa independiente y no forma parte de ninguna otra práctica médica, hospital ni ninguna otra empresa.
  • Certifico que la información proporcionada por mí anteriormente al solicitar el pago bajo el título XVII (Medicare) de la Ley del Seguro Social o cualquier otro beneficio de seguro es verdadera y correcta.
  • Entiendo que soy personalmente responsable ante el Proveedor por los cargos no pagados en su totalidad por la cobertura del seguro, las responsabilidades de deducible o copago o, en ausencia de cobertura del seguro, el saldo total. Las partes de cualquier factura de las que soy responsable vencen al recibir la factura del Proveedor. Debo pagar los cargos pendientes dentro de los 30 días siguientes a la primera factura recibida. Si el Proveedor remite mi cuenta a una agencia de cobros o a un abogado para el cobro, acepto pagar todos los costos de cobro, incluidos, entre otros, los costos judiciales y los honorarios de abogados del 30% de mi factura. Entiendo que todas las cuentas morosas devengarán intereses al cargo del 12% anual. Los precios habituales y habituales para los productos enumerados anteriormente no deben exceder ($399.00 bomba eléctrica, $59.00 bomba manual, $65.00 suministros en bote). Certifico que he leído los términos y condiciones de este acuerdo con los archivos adjuntos enumerados anteriormente y acepto su contenido. También recibí instrucciones sobre la política de privacidad adecuada y recibida por el paciente.
  • El paciente recibió la política de privacidad.


  • Decidir quién le proporciona su servicio y/o equipo de atención domiciliaria.
  • Recibir una identificación legítima de cualquier personal del Proveedor que ingrese a su hogar para brindar servicios y/o equipos de atención domiciliaria.
  • Recibir el servicio y/o equipo correctamente prescrito de manera profesional sin discriminación de edad, raza, sexo, religión, origen étnico, preferencia sexual o discapacidad física o mental.
  • A ser informado con prontitud si la atención o los servicios prescritos no están dentro del alcance, la misión o la filosofía del Proveedor y, por lo tanto, se les brinda asistencia para el traslado a una organización de servicios o atención adecuada.
  • Ser tratado con amabilidad, cortesía, respeto y sin abandono ni abuso, ya sea físico o mental.
  • Que se respete su privacidad y su propiedad en todo momento.
  • Recibir información adecuada para dar su consentimiento informado para el inicio del servicio, la continuación del servicio, la transferencia del servicio a otro proveedor de atención domiciliaria o la terminación del servicio.
  • Recibir, previa solicitud, información completa y actualizada relativa a su condición, tratamiento, tratamientos alternativos y riesgos del tratamiento dentro de nuestras responsabilidades médicas.
  • Recibir tratamiento y servicios dentro del alcance de su plan de atención médica, de manera rápida y profesional, mientras se le informa detalladamente sobre las políticas, procedimientos y cargos del Proveedor.
  • Rechazar la atención, dentro de los límites establecidos por la ley, y recibir información profesional relativa a las ramificaciones o consecuencias que resultarán o pueden resultar de dicha negativa.
  • Solicitar y recibir datos sobre servicios o costos de los mismos de forma privada y confidencial.
  • Solicitar y recibir la oportunidad de examinar o revisar sus registros médicos.
  • Formular y hacer que todo el personal de atención médica cumpla con una directiva anticipada, como un testamento en vida o un poder notarial duradero para la atención médica, o una orden de no resucitar.
  • Participar, según corresponda, en discusiones y resoluciones de conflictos y cuestiones éticas relacionadas con su atención.
  • A ser informado sobre cualquier estudio experimental o de investigación que esté involucrado en su atención y a tener el derecho de rechazar dicha actividad.
  • Esperar que toda la información recibida por esta organización se mantenga confidencial y no se divulgue sin el consentimiento por escrito.
  • Tener derecho a acceder, solicitar enmiendas y recibir un informe de las divulgaciones relacionadas con la información de salud según lo permita la ley aplicable.
  • Tener derecho a presentar una queja o inquietud ante la Comisión Conjunta al 630‐792‐5636 o [email protected].


  • Proporcionar información completa y precisa sobre su salud actual, medicamentos, alergias, etc., cuando sea apropiado para su plan de servicios de atención domiciliaria.
  • Informar a un miembro del personal, según corresponda, de su historial de salud, incluidas enfermedades y lesiones pasadas, etcétera.
  • Involucrarse en el desarrollo, modificación y cumplimiento de todos los aspectos de su plan de servicios de atención domiciliaria, que incluían el cuidado, la limpieza y el almacenamiento adecuados de su equipo médico domiciliario.
  • Revisar los procedimientos de seguridad de los fabricantes de equipos y participar activamente en el mantenimiento de un ambiente seguro en su hogar.
  • Para solicitar asistencia o información adicional sobre cualquier fase de su plan de servicios de atención domiciliaria que no comprenda completamente.
  • Notificar al Proveedor, con anticipación, cuando no pueda estar en casa para una visita de atención domiciliaria programada.
  • Notificar al Proveedor cuando cambie su lugar de residencia o su número de teléfono.
  • Notificar al Proveedor cuando encuentre algún problema con el equipo o servicio.
  • Notificar al Proveedor si su cuidador modifica o suspende su prescripción de atención domiciliaria.

DMEPOS (Equipos médicos duraderos, prótesis, aparatos ortopédicos y suministros) ESTÁNDARES DEL PROVEEDOR

  • Un proveedor debe cumplir con todos los requisitos reglamentarios y de licencia federales y estatales aplicables.
  • Un proveedor debe proporcionar información completa y precisa en la solicitud de proveedor de DMEPOS. Cualquier cambio en esta información debe informarse al proveedor dentro de los 30 días.
  • Una persona autorizada (cuya firma sea vinculante) debe firmar la solicitud de privilegios de facturación.
  • A supplier must fill orders form its own inventory, or must contract with other companies for the purchase of items necessary to fill the order.
  • Un proveedor no puede contratar con ninguna entidad que esté actualmente excluida del programa Medicare, de cualquier programa estatal de atención médica o de cualquier otro programa federal de adquisiciones o sin adquisiciones.
  • Un proveedor debe informar a los beneficiarios que pueden alquilar o comprar equipos médicos duraderos económicos o adquiridos habitualmente, y sobre la opción de compra de alquiler con límite.
  • Un proveedor debe notificar a los beneficiarios sobre la cobertura de la garantía y cumplir con todas las garantías según la ley estatal aplicable, y reparar o reemplazar sin cargo los artículos cubiertos por Medicare que estén bajo garantía.
  • Un proveedor debe mantener una instalación física en un sitio apropiado.
  • Un proveedor debe permitir que CMS o sus agentes realicen inspecciones en el sitio para determinar el cumplimiento del proveedor con estos estándares. La ubicación del proveedor debe ser accesible para los beneficiarios durante horarios comerciales razonables y debe mantener un letrero visible y un horario de atención publicado.
  • Un proveedor debe mantener un teléfono comercial principal a nombre de la empresa en un directorio local o un número gratuito disponible a través de asistencia de directorio. Está prohibido el uso exclusivo de buscapersonas, contestador automático o teléfono celular.
  • A supplier must have comprehensive liability insurance in the amount of $300,000 that covers the supplier’s place of business and all customers and employees.
  • A supplier must agree not to initiate telephone contact with beneficiaries, with a few exceptions allowed. This standard prohibits suppliers from calling beneficiaries in order to solicit new business.
  • A supplier is responsible for delivery and must instruct beneficiaries on use of Medicaid covered items, and maintain proof of delivery.
  • A supplier must answer questions and respond to complaints of beneficiaries, and maintain documentation of such contacts.
  • A supplier must maintain and replace at no charge or repair directly, or through a contract with another company, Medicaid‐covered items it has rented to beneficiaries.
  • A supplier must accept returns of substandard (less than full quality for the particular item) or unsuitable items (inappropriate for the beneficiary at the time was fitted and rented or sold) from beneficiaries.
  • A supplier must disclose these supplier standards to each beneficiary to whom it supplies a Medicaid‐covered item.
  • A supplier must not convey or resign a supplier number; the supplier may not sell or allow another entity to use its Medicaid billing number.
  • A supplier must have a complaint resolution protocol established to address Beneficiary complaints that relate to these standards. A record of these complaints must be maintained at the physical facility.
  • Complaint records must include: the name, address, telephone number and health insurance claim number of the beneficiary, a summary of the complaint, and any actions taken to resolve it.
  • A supplier must agree to furnish CMS any information required by Medicaid Statue and implementing regulations.
  • All suppliers must be accredited by a CMS‐approved accreditation organization in order to receive and retain a supplier billing number. The accreditation must indicate the specific products and services for which the supplier is accredited in order for the supplier to receive payment of those specific products and services (except for certain exempt pharmaceuticals). Implementation Date – October 1, 2009.
  • All suppliers must notify their accreditation organization when a new DMEPOS location is opened.
  • All supplier locations whether owned or subcontracted, must meet the DMEPOS quality standards and be separately accredited in order to bill Medicare.
  • All suppliers must disclose upon enrollment all products and services, including the addition of new product lines for which they are seeking accreditation.
  • Must meet the surety bond requirements specified in 42 C.F.R. 424.57 (c). Implementation date – May 4, 2009.
  • A supplier must obtain oxygen from a state‐licensed oxygen supplier.
  • A supplier must maintain ordering and referring documentation consistent with the provisions found in 42 C.F.R. 424.516 (f).
  • DMEPOS suppliers are prohibited from sharing a practice location with certain other Medicare providers and suppliers.
  • DMEPOS suppliers must remain open to the public for a minimum of 30 hours per week with certain exceptions.

Neb Doctors‐ Policy Notification

Delivery and setup of equipment

  • Primary delivery method of our equipment is through our partner Clinics and Doctor’s Offices for the benefit of continuity of care.
  • Neb Doctors agrees to deliver any equipment or product that it sells on a timely basis.
  • Regularly stocked supplies are usually delivered within 24 hours from the time the order is placed. Special orders are usually delivered within 1 week from date of purchase.
  • Equipment that Neb Doctors sells will be setup in a timely manner and free of charge.
  • Instructions on how to use and maintain the product will be given to each patient accordingly.

Hours of Operation

  • Neb Doctors maintains normal business office hours with after hour’s emergency service availability.
  • Neb Doctors is open for business
    • Monday through Friday
    • 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • The office is closed on weekends and holidays
  • Neb Doctors maintains emergency, on call service for any calls outside of normal business hours. The company’s on call number is (770) 394-5330.
  • The caller may be instructed to leave a message and the person on call will return the call as appropriate.

Emergency or Natural Disaster

  • If you are in need of emergency medical treatment during a natural disaster or other medical emergency contact 911.
  • If you are in need of services or information for the maintenance, or replacement of medical equipment contact our office number (855) 230‐5632 during business hours and our emergency number 770-394-5330 outside of those hours.


  • If you have a complaint about the service of personnel at Neb Doctors then please call us at (855) 230‐5632 to formally file your complaint so that we can answer your concerns and continually improve our service.
  • You may also file a complaint to outside sources such as your insurance company, Medicare (800‐633‐4227) or Joint Commission (800‐994‐6610)

Equipment Warranty

  • Every product sold or rented by our company carries at least a 1‐year manufacturer’s warranty. Specific warranty length and information is described in the manufacturer’s owner’s manual provided with each product.
  • Neb Doctors will repair or replace, free of charge, equipment that is under warranty. In addition, an owner’s manual with warranty information will be provided to beneficiaries for all durable medical equipment where this manual is available.

Statement to Permit Payment of Medical Benefits

  • I understand that I am authorizing Neb Doctors to provide Medical Equipment and/or services to me.
  • I understand that I am giving Neb Doctors permission to ask my insurance for payments for my medical care, including supplies and equipment.
  • I certify that the information provided by me in applying for payment under title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act or any other insurance benefits is true and correct.
  • I understand that Health Care Benefit Payee may need information about my medical condition to determine benefits related to “Company” services. I give permission for the release of medical or other information necessary to process the “Company” payment request.
  • I ask that payment of authorized Health Care Benefits be made on my behalf to Neb Doctors for any services or items furnished to me.
  • I understand that if my insurance denies or challenges this claim for the prescribed supplies, I will be solely responsible for this claim.

Client Responsibility Waiver

  • Medicaid, Medicare or any other health insurance company will only pay for equipment and services that it determines to be “reasonable and necessary” (Section 1862(a)(I) of the
  • Medicare law for Medicare). If your insurance determines that a particular service or piece of equipment is not “reasonable and necessary” under your insurance standards, your insurance company may deny payment for it. In the event that they do deny payment, you will be responsible for the reasonable and customary cost of the equipment or service.
  • I certify that I HAVE NOT RENTED SAME OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT through Medicaid, Medicare or any other insurance, or If SAME OR SIMILAR equipment was rented, the equipment has been returned to the DME supplier. I also certify that Medicare is not paying service or maintenance charges for SAME OR SIMILAR equipment I use.
  • I certify that I HAVE NOT PURCHASED SAME OR SIMILAR equipment through Medicare, Medicaid or any other Insurance, or if I have purchased any equipment, documentation has been provided to Neb Doctors.
  • I understand that most insurance will only cover one nebulizer every three years, and I understand that if my insurance denies or challenges this claim for SAME OR SIMILAR equipment being rented or purchased, I will be solely responsible for this claim.
  • If my insurance should deny payment for any reason other than the above stated reason, I will be solely responsible for this claim.
  • I will cover any and all additional charges involved in having the equipment returned.
  • Neb Doctors reserves the right to have this agreement transferred over to another Medicare Supply or Pharmacy provider to provide the service.

Deductibles and Co‐Insurance

  • I understand that any annual deductible or co‐payments from my insurance are my responsibility unless covered by a secondary insurance policy.

Equipment Training ‐ A representative of Neb Doctors or my doctor’s office has advised me of the following:

  • The proper and safe operation of the unit.
  • Basic maintenance of the unit.
  • That I must read and fully understand the owner’s manual that I have received before operating the unit.

Notice of Privacy Policy


To our patients: This notice describes how health information about you, as a patient of Neb Doctors, may be used and disclosed. You will also find below, information on your rights and how you can get access to your health information. This is required by the Privacy Regulations created as a result of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).


Our commitment to your privacy

Neb Doctors is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your health information. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of your health information. We realize that these

laws are complicated, but we must provide you with the following important information:

Use and disclosure of your health information in certain special circumstances

The following circumstances may require us to use or disclose your health information:

  1. In the process of providing you services and in the claims submission to other Healthcare organization for reimbursement.
  2. To public health authorities and health oversight agencies that are authorized by law to collect information.
  3. Lawsuits and similar proceedings in response to a court or administrative order.
  4. If required to do so by a law enforcement official.
  5. When necessary to reduce or prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of another individual or the public. We will only make disclosures to a person or organization able to help prevent the threat.
  1. If you are a member of U.S. or foreign military forces (including veterans) and if required by the appropriate authorities.
  2. To federal officials for intelligence and national security activities authorized by law.
  3. To correctional institutions or law enforcement officials if you are an inmate or under the custody of law enforcement official.
  4. For Workers Compensation and similar programs.


Your rights regarding your health information

  1. Communications. You can request that Neb Doctors communicate with you about your health and related issues in a particular manner or at a certain location. For instance, you may ask that we contact you at home, rather than work. We will accommodate reasonable requests.
  2. You can request a restriction in our use or disclosure of your health information for treatment, payment, or Healthcare operations. Additionally, you have the right to request that we restrict our disclosure of your health information to only certain individuals involved in your care or the payment for your care, such as family members and friends. We are not required to agree to your request; however, if we do agree, we are bound by our agreement except when otherwise required by law, in emergencies, or when the information is necessary to treat you.
  3. You have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of the health information that may be used to make decisions about you, including patient Medical records and billing records, but not including psychotherapy notes. You must submit your request in writing to: (See Neb Doctors information Below).
  4. You may ask us to amend your health information if you believe it is incorrect or incomplete and as long as the information is kept by or for our practice. To request an amendment, your request must be made in writing and submitted to: (See Neb Doctors Information Below) you must provide us with a reason that supports your request for amendment.
  5. Right to a copy of this notice. You are entitled to receive a copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices. You may ask us to give you a copy of this Notice at any time. To obtain a copy of this notice, contact: (See Neb Doctors Information Below).
  6. Right to file a complaint. If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with our practice or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with our practice, contact: (See Neb Doctors Information Below). All complaints must be submitted in writing. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.
  7. Right to provide an authorization for other uses and disclosures. Our practice will obtain your written authorization for uses and disclosures that are not identified by this notice or permitted by applicable law.


If you have any questions regarding this notice or our health information privacy policies, please contact (See Neb Doctors Information Below).

Neb Doctors

5076 Winters Chapel Rd Atlanta GA 30360

Phone: 855 230‐5632


Safety Precautions


Read all these warnings and instructions as well as the entire Manufacturers Users Manual/Instructions before using any medical equipment. Use the equipment only for its intended purpose and use as described in the manufacturers instructions for Use. Improper use of medical equipment can result in serious or fatal illness/injury, improper treatment or property damage. Use equipment only with parts and accessories provided by your homecare provider for use with your specific equipment.


Close supervision is necessary when medical equipment is used by or near the physically or mentally impaired or children. Never use equipment while sleeping or drowsy unless directed by the manufacturer’s instructions. Review equipment precautions about small parts or tubing that may present a choking hazard to small children. Keep all bags used in packaging equipment away from children to prevent suffocation. Keep any medications or other hazardous or toxic items where children cannot reach them. Always use close adult supervision when administering a medical treatment to a child. DO NOT LEAVE CHILD UNATTENDED DURING TREATMENTS. When using electrical and medical products, especially when children are present, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:

Respiratory Devices


  • Respiratory devices (Nebulizers, etc.) are for single patient use (one person) only to prevent the spread of illnesses. Do not share your device with other patients including other family
  • To reduce the risk of increased bacterial growth, infection, illness, or injury from contamination, thoroughly clean and dry all parts of devices and thoroughly dry any moisture or condensation in the tubing at the end of every treatment, following the instructions in the manufacturers manual.
  • Cleaning the respiratory device after each treatment is not enough – you must also regularly disinfect or sterilize the device between treatments to prevent serious or fatal illness caused by contamination. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or ask your homecare provider about sterilizing your device.
  • Never use a nebulizer with a clogged nozzle. If the nozzle is clogged, the aerosol mist will be reduced, altered or stopped, which will diminish or eliminate the effectiveness of the
  • If clogging occurs, clean nebulizer or replace it.
  • Children under the age of 3 or any patient who is unable to use a mouthpiece properly under supervision should use a face mask.
  • Before use, check device for proper assembly. All parts should be seated firmly in place. Use of an improperly assembled device could diminish or prevent an effective treatment.
  • Never immerse in water or attempt to clean the inside of tubing used to carry air or oxygen. If liquids or moisture do get in tubing, attempt to dry out tubing or replace it to prevent



  • Use only the replaceable/rechargeable battery described in the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
  • Do not immerse the batteries in water.
  • Do not expose batteries to direct sunlight, humidity, extreme temperatures or chemicals.
  • Make sure battery poles do not come into contact with keys or other metal objects, causing a “short circuit”.
  • Some rechargeable batteries are protected from overheating (check manufacturers manual). Battery may not operate if it is over a certain temperature. Allow battery to cool before
  • Rechargeable Batteries should only be recharged using manufacturer approved charging devices. Using other devices may damage the battery.
  • In the event the rechargeable batteries fail to charge or operate properly when the manufacturer’s Instructions for Use are followed, discontinue use and notify the homecare provider or an authorized manufacturer Service Center for repair or replacement.
  • Do not attempt to open the plastic case or to replace any components of a rechargeable battery unless directed by manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Rechargeable batteries are usually sealed units that cannot be repaired.
  • Protect the environment: when replacing rechargeable batteries, recycle old battery or dispose of properly in accordance with local laws.
  • Do not incinerate (burn) batteries.

Electrical Equipment


To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury from electrocution:

  • Do not place or store equipment where it can fall or be pulled into a bathtub, sink, water, or other liquid. Do not place in or drop into water or other liquid.
  • Do not use while bathing.
  • Do not reach for equipment that has fallen into water or other liquid. Unplug immediately.
  • Do not touch equipment with wet hands.
  • Always unplug equipment immediately after using unless otherwise directed by manufacturer’s instructions.


To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury from electrocution, fire or burns and to reduce the risk of damage and malfunction to the equipment:

  • Before use, check the label on the equipment to ensure that the voltage and current indicated on the unit correspond to the voltage and current available.
  • Never operate equipment if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, if it is sparking, if it is emitting smoke or an unusual odor, or if it has been exposed to any liquids inside the case. Return the product to the homecare provider or manufacturers Service Center for examination and repair.
  • Keep all electrical equipment and cords away from heated surfaces. Do not overload wall outlets extension cords.
  • Do not run electrical cords under rugs, over nails or other sharp objects or in high traffic areas.
  • Some equipment has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). As a safety feature, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.
  • Never block the air vents of equipment or place it on a soft surface, such as a bed or couch, where the air vents may be blocked. Keep the air vents free of lint, hair, and similar
  • Blockage could cause excessive heat buildup and become a fire hazard. A product should never be left unattended when plugged in.
  • Do not operate equipment outdoors unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Do not operate equipment where oxygen is being administered in a closed environment such as an oxygen tent.
  • Never drop or insert any object into any openings in the equipment.
  • Be sure the equipment is unplugged prior to cleaning.
  • Do not open or disassemble equipment unless directed by manufacturer’s instructions. Refer all servicing to the homecare provider or authorized manufacturers Service Center.
  • Use only adapters that are authorized for use with your equipment. Use of unapproved accessories can lead to improper treatment or damage to the equipment and/or adapters.
  • Make sure that equipment is powered off or unplugged before attaching any adapters or accessories.
  • Never spray liquids onto the equipment housing or battery. Fluid could cause damage to the equipment parts and could lead to a malfunction. In the event that fluids enter the unit, return the product to the homecare provider or an authorized manufacturers’ Service Center for examination and repair.
  • Do not use the equipment while operating a vehicle.

Washing your Hands/Infection Control

Hand hygiene is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of infections. Patients and their loved ones can play an important role in helping prevent infections by practicing hand hygiene. Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. It is best to wash your hands with soap and clean water running for 20 seconds. However, if soap and clean water are not available, use an Alcohol‐based product to clean your hands. Alcohol‐based hand rubs significantly reduce the number of germs on skin and are fast acting.

When washing hands with soap and water:

  • Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available.
  • Rub hands together to create lather and scrub all surfaces.
  • Continue rubbing hands for 20 seconds.
  • Rinse hands well under running water.
  • Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet.

When should you wash your hands?

  • Before preparing or eating food.
  • After going to the bathroom.
  • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has gone to the bathroom.
  • Before and after tending to someone who is sick.
  • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • After handling an animal or animal waste.
  • Before or after treating a cut or wound.

Fire Safety


Make sure you have at least one smoke detector per floor of your house and that you test it regularly. Make sure that you change the battery every year. Keep the detector free of dust by vacuuming it occasionally. Make sure you plan multiple escape routes for each rom and practice what you would during a fire with each household member. In case of fire:

  • Remain calm.
  • Stay as close to the floor as possible (crawl if necessary) to stay within the cleanest air.
  • If you are in a wheelchair or unable to get out of the house, stay by a window near the floor and signal for help.
  • If your clothes catch on fire, drop and roll to suffocate the flames. Do not panic and run, as that will worsen the flames.
  • Feel doors for heat before opening them. If the door is hot, find another way out.
  • Get out of the house as quickly as possible and do not waste time gathering valuables or pets.
  • Select a place where everyone can meet once out of the house so that you know everyone is out.
  • Call 911 or the fire department from a neighbor’s house as soon as possible.
  • Do not go back in the house or building and do not try to fight the fire yourself.