Experience Medela’s new affordable and effective Swing Maxi Hands-free pump perfect for use anywhere. Swing Maxi Hands-free offers proven performance, delivering 11.8% more milk with our ultra-lightweight, anatomically designed hands-free collection cups. These cups are easy to clean with just 3 parts. Ideal for multi-tasking, the compact and portable Swing Maxi hands-free fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle and budget.
Medela Swing Maxi Hands Free User Guide (EN, SP, FR)
Swing Maxi™ Hands-free comes with the unique Medela wearable Collection Cups which offer:
Free breast pumps through insurance–see if you qualify for the Medela Swing Maxi Hands Free today!
Lightweight and comfortable: the Swing Maxi™ Hands-free double electric pump is easy to fit in a pocket or carry due to its lightweight, compact design and built-in rechargeable battery. Combined with the wearable milk collection cups and the included lanyard, it keeps you mobile when you need it most.