No matter where they go, moms often have their hands both literally and metaphorically full. Specifically, many breastfeeding moms are never too far from their breast pump. A well-organized breast pump bag can help new moms breastfeed successfully and be prepared for any hiccups that occur during or after a breast pumping session. From extra storage bags to a mini portable cooler, a mom’s breast pump bag is filled with everything it takes to breastfeed if she’s away from her little one. Pumps for Mom is breaking down five must-have items moms should keep in their breast pump bag.


1. The best breast pump for you

A breast pump bag can only do so much if you don’t have the right breast pump for you, and the most important item in your breast pump bag should be your breast pump. As breast pumps evolve, many brands are making options for more compact breast pumps and even wearable breast pumps that can easily fit in a breast pump bag with everything else you need to pump like a pro. For many moms, getting a breast pump through insurance can be easy and may even be free! Work with Pumps for Mom to see which breast pumps are covered by your insurance so you can get the best breast pump for you. 

2. Storage bags, storage bags, and more storage bags

Breast milk storage is understandably one of the biggest concerns on a breastfeeding mom’s mind. After a pumping session, the last thing a mom wants is to run out of storage for the breast milk she worked so hard for. There is also some variance between pumping sessions, so the number of storage bags or bottles you need for one pumping session may be different the next time you pump. Extra breast milk storage bags or bottles don’t take up too much space in a breast pump bag, and they make sure moms get their breast milk home to their little ones who need it to grow. 

3. A cooler or ice packs

Having the proper and sanitary space to store expressed breast milk is essential, but moms need a reliable way to keep it cool as it travels from the storage bag to a baby’s bottle at a feeding. Breast milk can sit out for a few minutes and can even be safe for up to a few hours if absolutely necessary, but it is best to immediately chill expressed breast milk and refrigerate or freeze it as soon as possible. A small cooler or a few ice packs can help moms get breast milk home safe. Take steps to be sure you’re ready to store your breast milk safely, whether you are pumping at home or at the office.

4. Extra breast pump parts

A few spare breast pump parts are another essential item in a well-stocked breast pump bag. From extra tubing to spare breast flanges, some additional breast pump parts make sure moms can pump whenever they need to, even if a part begins to malfunction. It can feel silly to carry around something like spare parts when moms likely won’t need it for every pumping session. But just like how we pay for insurance to cover us when something goes wrong, moms will be thankful they have that spare tubing or extra bottle when they need it most.

5. Breast pads and a baby blanket

As unglamorous as it may be, leaking is a part of motherhood. Adding a few breast pads in your breast pump bag allows moms to look and feel their best after they wrap up a pumping session. Additionally, carrying a baby blanket in your breast pump bag has several possible benefits. It can be difficult to encourage let-down when you’re pumping away from your little one, but a baby blanket and even a couple of pictures of your little one can go a long way in helping you pump efficiently. Pumping with a baby blanket can help you focus on your baby and can signal to your body that it’s time to start letting down breast milk. Additionally, a baby blanket also serves as a ready-made nursing cover if you want a little extra privacy as you pump


Breastfeeding is no easy task, and using a breast pump when you’re away from your little one can be an extra challenge. But keeping a well-stocked breast pump bag can help you tackle any challenge that comes up as you pump. You’re doing amazing, mama!

The Pumps for Mom team knows how many things a new or expectant mom has on her to-do list. We are proud to support moms who plan to breastfeed by making it easy to get their breast pump through insurance. Our qualification form makes it simple for moms to see which breast pumps are covered by their insurance, and our experts work with moms throughout every step of the process. Need us to contact your doctor to get a prescription for your breast pump? We’re on it. Not sure which breast pump is right for you? Our experts are happy to help! Work with Pumps for Mom and qualify for your breast pump through insurance today!

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