With countless breast pump brands and models to choose from, it’s hard to know which one will work best. Not all breast pumps are equal! The pump that works best for a stay-at-home mama is not necessarily the best choice for a mom who is working full-time. Plus, some breast pumps are completely covered by insurance, some require a copay, and others must be paid out-of-pocket. Never fear–the Pumps for Mom team is here! We break down some of the best insurance breast pumps to help make moms’ lives easier.

Best Insurance Breast Pump for Working Moms – Ameda® Mya

The Ameda® Mya is one of the best breast pumps for moms perfecting the balancing act. This breast pump is small but mighty, with a possible 280 mmHg of suction strength to pump as efficiently as possible. The Ameda® Mya fits in the palm of moms’ hands, allowing for easy transportation in a purse or tote and weighing in at only half a pound. It is tough to match the combination of portability and power that comes with the Ameda® Mya

Best Insurance Breast Pump for Moms with NICU Babies – Spectra® S1 Plus

We know how difficult it is for moms who go home while their little ones are in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). It can feel almost impossible to get into a breastfeeding routine when your little one isn’t at home with you. While a hospital-grade breast pump will likely be available to you during your time at the hospital, it is helpful for some moms to have a powerful breast pump at home to start building up a reliable breast milk supply. Spectra breast pumps offer appealing benefits like portability and ultra-quiet motors. With up to 270 mmHg of suction in the Spectra® S1 Plus and Spectra® S2 Plus and each weighing three pounds or less, both are excellent options for moms making frequent trips to and from the hospital. When deciding between these two pumps, the Spectra® S1 Plus with optional rechargeable battery power is for moms looking to maximize portability.

Best Insurance Breast Pump for Busy Moms – Freemie Freedom® with Hands-Free Collection Cups

For many busy moms, numerous breaks to pump throughout the day feels like an unattainable goal. We get it–breastfeeding is not for the faint of heart. Thankfully, Freemie collection cups make hands-free breast pumping possible. Completely concealable under clothing and comfortable enough to wear as you move, Freemie collection cups are perfect for busy moms. These convenient collection cups operate as a closed system to ensure the safety of moms’ breast milk. They work with a range of breast pump brands, including Ameda and Spectra, in addition to Freemie breast pumps. 

It’s a challenge to find the breast pump that meets your unique needs. We understand this challenge and are here for you every step of the way.

Pumps for Mom is here to help moms check another item off of that never-ending to-do list. We offer a simple process to get a breast pump through insurance. Our qualification form clearly shows new and expectant moms which breast pumps are completely covered by insurance. We don’t surprise you with any hidden fees or impossible qualifications. We just make it easier for you to get an insurance covered breast pump. Moms have enough to worry about–let Pumps for Mom help you find the best breast pump for you.

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