
The Science of Breastfeeding: How Moms’ Bodies Make Milk
You are not alone if you feel like your body has morphed into one giant mystery through the pregnancy and birthing process. However, the surprises don’t stop there! Post labor and delivery, your body continues to respond to the beautiful journey of motherhood. We understand the confusion and uneasiness for new moms and are here...
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Travel Tips While Breastfeeding
Traveling is no easy task, and it becomes a true balancing act when you throw in a breastfeeding mom and a perpetually hungry baby. Whether it’s your first time out of the house since bringing your newborn home or you travel while breastfeeding your little one every weekend, we are here to help your next...
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Best Foods for Breastfeeding Moms
Did you know you can get an amazing workout in while sitting in your loungewear? At Pumps for Mom, we are officially declaring breastfeeding qualifies as one of America’s hottest workout trends. Your body uses between 450-500 calories each day to make enough breast milk to keep your baby full, according to the American College...
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