Constant feedings and pumping sessions make breastfeeding feel like a full-time job for new working mamas. It may feel like you are juggling breast pump flanges, emails, storage bottles, and meetings all on your own. As overwhelming as this is, you’re not alone! Pumps for Mom is here to help you navigate the challenge of pumping at work and find balance in your new role as a working mom. Read below to learn about our top five tips for breast pumping at work. 

#1: Get the Best Breast Pump for You

There is no clear standout breast pump that is perfect for every mom. Find the best breast pump for your unique needs. You know your body best, so consider what kind of suction strength, portability, power options, and accessories you need. If you work in a silent office, you may want a pump like the Spectra S1Plus or S2Plus. They are designed with an ultra-quiet motor so you don’t have to be self-conscious of the noise. If your job barely leaves you enough time for a session, look into a breast pump that offers some serious strength, like the Ameda Mya, with up to 280mmHg of suction. Don’t think you’ll have consistent access to a wall outlet? Make sure your breast pump has an option for battery power, like the Medela Pump in Style Advanced

Pumps for Mom helps you find the best breast pump through insurance. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, your insurance should cover the cost of a brand new breast pump. Every plan covers different breast pumps, so be sure to confirm your benefits. Then, browse top breast pump brands and select the insurance breast pump that best meets your needs.

#2: Know Your Rights for Pumping at Work

Returning to work after having a baby can be difficult, especially for moms who want to continue breastfeeding. Thankfully, the law protects new moms’ right to breastfeed and use a breast pump at work. Most importantly, you are guaranteed access to a safe, private, and sanitary space to pump whenever you need to throughout the workday. Having a conversation before you take maternity leave can help everyone in your office prepare for what changes may need to occur before you return. For example, your office may need to create a lactation room or adjust your schedule to include break times. Hopefully, you won’t have to whip out a copy of the Affordable Care Act to receive the accommodations you are entitled to. Knowing your rights and communicating with your coworkers can help ensure you have the best possible experience breast pumping at work

#3: Become a Breast Milk Storage Master

Breast pumping is no easy task, and you don’t want any of your hard work to go to waste. That’s why moms who pump at work must know the ins and outs of proper breast milk storage. Freshly pumped breast milk can sit at room temperature for up to four hours and can be refrigerated for up to four days. Moms with a typical 9-5 workday need to find a reliable refrigeration method for their expressed milk to make sure it stays safe for your little one. Finding a cool place for your expressed milk to chill is essential for it to make it through the workday. Breast pump accessories, like breast milk storage bags, may also come in handy and make breast milk storage at the workplace more manageable.

#4: Practice Your Let-Down

As natural as breastfeeding may seem, new moms know that sometimes your let-down can let you down. Whether you are pumping or your baby is feeding at the breast, your milk may not always come down when you are ready for a pumping or feeding session. Thankfully, this natural process can be perfected with practice and a few mommy life hacks. To encourage your let-down when pumping at work, you can look at a picture or video of your baby, use a warm compress, massage your breasts, or take some deep breaths. Thinking about your baby and relaxing your body helps trigger your natural reflexes.

#5: Schedule Pumping Sessions into Your Day

No matter your job, work life can be unpredictable. Meetings pop up, your boss may start a long-winded conversation, or unexpected deadlines take over your day. With all of the unknowns, breastfeeding moms may want to set up a clear schedule for pumping at work. This helps make sure you have time to pump before you get uncomfortable. You may not be breastfeeding on your baby’s schedule anymore. Breast pumping within a similar time frame will also be easier on your body and help keep your milk supply up.

Pumping at work is not easy. From finding the best breast pump to discussing your needs, there may be some challenges for moms making the transition back to work. Just remember that every pumping session helps give your baby the best possible nutrition as they grow. Other working moms have been where you are. You’ve got this!

There are more than a few things that need to get checked off of a new mom’s to-do list. Pumps for Mom is here to make your life a little easier and help you get a breast pump through insurance without the hassle. Our staff helps you easily discover how to get a breast pump through insurance, and our simple qualification form lets you see which breast pumps you qualify for immediately. With top breast pump brands like Medela, Spectra, Freemie, Ameda, and more, the expert team at Pumps for Mom can help you find an insurance breast pump at little or no cost to you. Let Pumps for Mom take care of your breast pump today!

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