To the new moms who are worried about their milk supply—we’ve got you covered! At Pumps for Mom, we know that low milk production can be scary, but there are many ways to increase your supply. We recommend power pumping if you need a way to produce more milk for your baby. 

What is Power Pumping?

Power pumping mimics cluster feeding, a baby’s way of getting all the milk they need. They feed on-and-off during one session, taking breaks away from the breast before returning several minutes later. Breast milk operates based on demand; if the breast is aware that the baby is hungry through stimulation, it will release more milk through a letdown (when your milk is available). 

Power pumping is another way to stimulate the breast, indicating that it needs to produce more milk by mimicking cluster feeding. Power pumping involves using a breast pump on and off during an extended session to trick the body into increasing its milk supply by quickly emptying the breasts.  

How do You Power Pump

To power pump, sit down for about an hour to pump at intervals. You can choose between pumping for twenty minutes at a time and resting for ten, or pumping in shorter spurts. No matter the time allotments you choose, all that matters is that you’re getting enough pumping in and milk coming out. Try to get through your first letdown before switching to resting. 

Power pumping isn’t an alternative to regular feeding sessions, but rather to produce more milk. However, it can replace one session in your regular schedule. We suggest that you power pump every two or three days to get the most out of it. Feel free to enjoy yourself during the session and relax as much as you can by watching a TV show or reading a book. 

What are the Best Breast Pumps for Power Pumping?

The good news is that you can use any breast pump you want, including a manual one, to power pump. Find a pump you’re comfortable with using during a power pumping session. Below are a few of our recommendations.

Elvie Stride

The Elvie Stride is a super convenient and mobile breast pump for moms who are constantly on the move. It’s hands-free, so all you have to do is hook it up, sit back, and relax. You can even control this ultra-quiet pump straight from your phone!

Spectra S1 Plus

The Spectra S1 Plus offers a massage mode that simulates the natural suckling of your baby, making it a perfect option to stimulate your breast into producing more milk during power pumping.   

Lansinoh Smartpump 2.0 Starter Set

Lansinoh’s Smartpump 2.0 Double Electric Breast Pump offers three pumping styles to choose from that match your baby’s natural feeding patterns. It also includes two mode technology for letdown and expression modes to maximize breastmilk expression with automatic switching. 

No matter which pump you choose, any can be used for power pumping. You’ll be the one sitting there for an hour, pumping away, so make sure to pick based on your own preferences. Also consider if you’re going to be carrying the same pump around often, as your activity level may affect your choice. 

Not every mom needs to power pump, and some may be worried about low supply even when the amount of milk produced is healthy. Check with a doctor or lactation specialist if you’re not sure when or if to power pump. At Pumps for Mom, we’re here to help with all of your breastfeeding needs and can answer any questions you have about pumping. 

Did you know that you can get a breast pump free through insurance? Most insurance providers will provide a breast pump to any nursing mom! Reach out to Pumps for Mom. Our maternity product specialists can help you qualify for a breast pump and begin your journey towards power pumping. 


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