Pregnancy can be beautiful in many ways, but moms’ bodies go through a lot to bring a baby into the world. From stretch marks to C-section scars, moms need some time to recuperate. Unlike popular shapewear products, specially designed postpartum compression garments help moms recover from labor and delivery. There are some essential differences between postpartum compression products and shapewear. 


One of the most noticeable differences between compression garments and shapewear is the materials used to make these products. Compression garments come with extremely breathable and lightweight fabric that helps moms stay comfortable as they heal. Shapewear products, on the other hand, come with less breathable fabrics that can irritate skin or sensitive scars. Recovering mamas should look for postpartum compression garments that are made with breathable fabric to promote safe, gradual healing.


Whether it comes from a spouse helping with late-night feedings or a new grandparent moving in for a few weeks, new moms usually appreciate some extra support. Shapewear products do exactly what they say–they shape the body through padding and compression to slim the waist, hips, or buttocks. Postpartum compression products, however, help moms heal with strategic support and compression aimed at the most vulnerable parts of moms’ bodies. Made with abdominal and pelvic support to help reduce swelling and repair muscles, postpartum compression garments support new moms through every late-night breastfeeding session and diaper change.

Insurance Coverage

Babies aren’t cheap, and any opportunity to save a few dollars is welcome for many parents. Insurance does not cover conventional shapewear products because their primary purpose is aesthetic with temporary shaping support. On the other hand, insurance often covers specially made compression garments for new moms, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. Insurance covered postpartum garments often need a prescription from a doctor, but many moms can receive free postpartum recovery garments through their insurance.


Moms who have been living with swollen feet and a growing belly for months deserve some comfort. Moms’ comfort and recovery is the only thing in mind with postpartum recovery garments. They help stabilize weak or stretched muscles, promote circulation, and reduce swelling. Additionally, the best postpartum recovery garments are designed for different delivery methods. A compression product for C-sections should have a side zipper and a seamless design to prevent irritation of the scar on moms’ abdomens, while a compression product for vaginal deliveries should have additional crotch supports that promote recovery and protect episiotomy incisions or perineal tears.

Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are not easy. Thankfully, specially designed postpartum compression garments help moms speed up their recovery. But it’s probably best to leave the shapewear in the closet for now.

At Pumps for Mom, we are passionate about making moms’ lives easier. Insurance covers our range of postpartum compression garments. High-quality materials help moms recover from the physical challenges of labor and delivery. You don’t have to do this on your own–work with the experts at Pumps for Mom and order your compression garment through insurance today!

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