Your Full Guide to Using an Ameda Pump

Are you eyeing an Ameda breast pump and wondering what using it entails? We at Pumps for Mom want to offer a closer look at the Ameda pump to help prepare you for your breastfeeding journey. First, let’s discuss the basics of using an Ameda pump. Towards the end of this article, we’ll link instructional videos for four Ameda pumps available at Pumps for Mom: Ameda Purely Yours Express, Ameda Mya, Ameda Mya Joy, and Ameda Mya Joy PLUS

Before pumping, thoroughly read the instructions that come with your pump or watch the instructional videos below. We’ll walk you through using an Ameda pump to give you a general understanding of what it’s like, but keep the safety precautions in mind. 

How to Use Your Ameda Breast Pump

With any breast pump, always wash your hands before pumping. It’s crucial to practice proper hygiene when handling your pump. You may also need to boil or otherwise disinfect your breast pump parts if they have not been used. Note that you do not want parts to touch the bottom of the pot, as this could damage them.

Next, assemble the pump according to the instructions. There should be roughly ten assembly steps to get the tubing and flanges hooked together. Before pumping, center your nipple in the flange and fill it  with your breast to create an air seal. 

If it’s an electric pump, turn it on by plugging it in and pressing the power button. Turning the dials clockwise will increase suction and speed, so find the most comfortable position and dial it down if necessary. Some pumps have more settings than others, and some include buttons instead of dials. Your comfort levels may vary from day to day, so it can take some adjustments. In most cases, a pumping session will last about fifteen minutes per breast. When you’re finished pumping, simply turn off the pump and collect your milk. 

Ameda Breast Pump How-To Videos

If you already have an Ameda breast pump and need a more detailed look at how to use one, check out the following resources. These videos from Ameda visually demonstrate how to use your pump. Start your first session, worry-free!

Ameda Purely Yours Express Video

Ameda Mya Video

Ameda Mya Joy Video

Ameda Mya Joy PLUS Video

Ameda Breast Pumps at Pumps for Mom

Using an Ameda breast pump sounds easy enough, right? If you’re interested in an Ameda pump, we offer several models at Pumps for Mom. Plus, we’ll help you apply for a free pump through insurance. Simply fill out our online form, and one of our product experts will guide you through the process. Contact us today for more information or to get started!


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