Whether breastfeeding occasionally or pumping exclusively, breast milk supply is top of mind for most nursing moms. And as moms introduce a breast pump into their breastfeeding routine, many wonder how breast pumps can affect the breast milk supply throughout the breastfeeding process. While perhaps not a mainstream method that moms have relied on for decades, there is an increasing interest in power pumping and how it can regulate a steady supply of breast milk. Learn more about power pumping and breast milk supply with Pumps for Mom.

What is power pumping?

Power pumping is a broad term used to refer to a period of rapid breast pumping that can help nursing moms regulate or increase breast milk supply. The purpose of power pumping is to replicate “cluster feedings,” which is when a newborn breastfeeds multiple times in rapid succession to build up breast milk supply in anticipation of a growth spurt. By repeatedly pumping in imitation of a cluster feeding session, moms can signal their bodies that there is an increased demand for breast milk. Ideally, new moms respond instinctively and build up breast milk supply to meet demand after a few of these power-pumping sessions. 

How does power pumping impact breast milk supply?

Power pumping is not meant to replace a breast pumping routine. Instead, this process can be introduced on top of a breastfeeding or breast pumping routine when a mom needs to increase breast milk supply. When a mom “power pumps,” she pumps repeatedly using a double electric breast pump for sets of ten or 20 minutes over an hour. This kind of rapid pumping will likely not produce as much milk as an ordinary pumping session or be as effective in increasing supply as cluster feedings. However, it can be a helpful step for moms interested in building up breast milk supply little by little. Making some dietary changes may be another option to help moms who want to produce more breast milk.

Who should try power pumping?

Power pumping may not be right for everyone! Moms should be sure they have low breast milk supply before trying to use their breast pump for power pumping. It is possible that a baby has an unstable latch or other breastfeeding issues that may make a mom think she has low breast milk supply. Be sure to talk with your doctor and verify that you have low breast milk supply before trying power pumping. Power pumping should always come second to a newborn’s unique feeding cues, which are the best way for moms’ bodies to produce enough breast milk to meet a little one’s needs.

Breastfeeding is not always easy, and we know it can be easy for moms to worry about if they are doing everything right as they provide nutrition to their baby. Believe us–you’re doing great, mama! If you have any concerns about your breast milk supply or want to consider power pumping, be sure to talk with your doctor. Pumps for Mom is proud to support nursing moms throughout their breastfeeding journey by providing high-quality breast pumps through insurance. With broad insurance coverage and breast pumps from the top brands, moms can get the tools they need to pump with confidence. Qualify for your breast pump through insurance today!

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