What A Breast Pumping Schedule Can Look Like

Motherhood doesn’t come with an instruction manual—especially when it comes to setting pumping expectations. When you receive your new pump, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like you need all the guidance you can get. Whether you’re a veteran or a new mama, building a breast pumping schedule can be a game-changer.  But when you don’t have a helpful blueprint to follow, it’s tough to know where to begin. 

Knowing what your breast pumping schedule should look like helps new moms optimize their breastfeeding journeys. And at Pumps for Mom, we want you to know everything there is to know about breastfeeding schedules to ensure you adapt to your baby’s unique needs as well as your own.

Know What Could Influence Your Breast Pumping Schedule

Before you build your perfect pumping schedule, you need to know what could influence it. While several things could impact it, including your work schedule and natural milk supply, here are two key aspects that you should always keep in mind when designing your breast pumping session. 

Your Baby 

Building a breast pumping session before your baby is here? Not so fast! You need to analyze and understand your baby’s feeding needs closely. Your beautiful baby’s hunger cues should influence what your breast pumping schedule looks like. On average, newborns feed every 2 to 3 hours, but this schedule can vary. Moms generally should pump around and near their baby’s natural feeding routine so they can maintain a consistent milk supply.

Professional Guidance 

If you’re working with a lactation consultant or doctor, they should have a familiar understanding of your needs and circumstances. If they provide advice on how to build your pumping schedule, follow their instructions. With open communication, you and the professionals you employ to help you can set the ideal breast pumping schedule.

Building Your Breast Pumping Schedule

Every mom is different. As your baby grows, you may find that some routines work better than others. However, every mom has to start somewhere. Here is our guide on what a sample breast pumping schedule should look like:

Starting Off Your Day

Morning engorgement is the perfect time to pump. After waking up, use your pumps to start your day off. Be sure you’re familiar with your new pump before you pump for the first time

Pump Around Nursing Time

After nursing your baby, build up your milk supply by pumping. Frequent pumping can help build your milk supply, as well as avoid clogged ducts. The older your baby gets, the less likely you will pump as frequently. However, it’s important to pump frequently during those first few months to make your body accustomed to a set schedule. 

Ending Your Day

Before bed, get a pumping session in to regulate your milk production properly. Pumping before bed sets you up for success the next day, avoiding painful engorgement and setting up a good routine for your body.


The Pumps for Mom team wants to help you build a great pumping schedule with the help of one of our free breast pumps through insurance. And to help set you up for success, moms can shop for breast pump accessories and compression products on our site. Head over to our easy-to-fill form to get started or contact us today! 


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