Pregnancy is no easy task. Expectant moms deal with hormones that change by the second. Pumps for Mom looks out for new moms with postpartum compression products that support recovery. Learn more about how postpartum compression helps your body recover and which postpartum compression products is right for you. 

Different from shapewear

Most women today know about shapewear products. Likewise, most women associate these garments with memories of scratchy, tight, and uncomfortable outfits. Thankfully, postpartum compression products differ from common shapewear in many important ways. 

While shapewear slims the appearance of women’s bodies, women who have recently had a baby use compression products. Manufactured with materials that are breathable and gentle on the skin, postpartum compression products will not irritate any sensitive areas. Shapewear works to make women look good without much thought into making women feel good. Postpartum compression products offer new moms the best of both worlds.

Designed for moms’ unique delivery experiences

Every mom experiences pregnancy, labor, and delivery differently. Many postpartum compression products differ slightly in designs to best suit moms’ unique delivery experiences. Compression products for a natural delivery focus on stabilizing loose ligaments and reducing pain. They also decrease discomfort in the back and abdomen and improve circulation to reduce swelling. Postpartum recovery garments for C-sections reduce pressure and protect the surgical incision. They also promote better circulation and minimize overall discomfort. As 32% of U.S. births are now by C-section, these distinct postpartum recovery garments are becoming increasingly essential in moms recovering safely and quickly.

Not all compression products are made equally

Although postpartum compression products help new moms bounce back from pregnancy, labor, and delivery, these products are not all equal. Many lower-quality postpartum recovery garments come from fabric that is not breathable or does not support the right parts of a new mom’s body. The best postpartum compression products are designed with seamless support panels to help the most sensitive areas of the body recover. They are also made with breathable fabric to keep mom comfortable. Doctors and nurses help create products for moms experience the best recovery possible.

Not limited to postpartum

Great news for moms currently pregnant and dealing with too many aches and pains to count–you don’t have to wait until after delivery to find relief! Postpartum compression promotes recovery and reduces swelling and pain. Maternity support products help moms experience relief from discomfort and pressure. Well-designed pregnancy support products offer adjustable back support that can be used throughout many months of pregnancy. They relieve pressure on the hips, back, pelvis, and sciatic nerves. These pregnancy support bands don’t work to change or shape expectant moms’ bodies. Rather, they provide functional support and comfort that can easily be worn under clothes. 

No one ever said being a mom is easy, but maternity support bands and postpartum recovery garments may make it more comfortable.

You’ve got enough to worry about with a new baby at home – let Pumps for Mom look out for you. Did you know that many insurance plans cover postpartum recovery products? Thankfully, this isn’t breaking news to the Pumps for Mom team. Our simple process makes it easy for new moms to receive an insurance covered postpartum compression product at little to no cost. Learn more about postpartum compression and maternity support products available through insurance, and give your post-pregnancy body a head-start towards recovery.

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