Keeping Your Baby on a Breastfeeding Schedule: What You Need to Know

When a baby arrives, everything changes, and adjusting to these new routines can be overwhelming for you and your family. As your baby grows, their needs will become clearer, providing you with clues for establishing a consistent breastfeeding schedule. With essential tools like a breast pump, maintaining a breastfeeding schedule can be simpler than you might expect.

While setting a schedule may seem daunting during those early, unpredictable months, the experts at Pumps for Mom are here to help. In this guide, you’ll find helpful tips on creating a breastfeeding schedule and why it’s beneficial for both you and your baby.

Why is a Routine for Your Baby Important?

Getting into a routine can make everything easier. From sleeping to feeding, smoother days await if you establish a good schedule for you and your baby to follow. Babies are a lot smarter than we give them credit for! Babies exposed to routines develop an intuitive internal clock that can help them self-regulate. Additionally, a routine can help your baby rest easier, have consistent feeding needs, and be generally happier. 

Tips for Keeping a Baby on a Breastfeeding Schedule

Learning Curves

Building a baby’s schedule will not be perfect for the first few months! Embrace the hectic changes of your baby’s arrival. These first few months are the perfect time to learn more about your baby’s needs and internal clock. Babies like consistency but leave some space for day-to-day changes. And once your baby gets older, the learning never stops. A baby’s needs can change throughout infancy, so accepting change and being flexible is your best bet for smooth scheduling. 

Learn Your Baby’s Cues

Your baby’s natural cues are essential for building a breastfeeding schedule that works for you both. Keep a close eye on when your baby feels hungry, falls asleep, or is most active. From those cues, you can start making adjustments to best fit your own needs once your baby is a bit older. Adjusting your baby’s schedule slightly should not impact their nighttime routine. 

Set Proper Nighttime Routines

Your baby likely won’t recognize the difference between night and day until they’re a little older. However, you can still teach them nighttime routines to make nights easier for all caregivers. From warm pajamas to the final feeding session of the day, these sensory cues can influence your baby to wind down for the night. When it’s time for your baby to recognize the changes between daytime and nighttime, they will already be familiar with winding down activities associated with a nightly routine. 

Get The Right Breast Pump

Mamas need the right tools to make breastfeeding schedules a breeze. While building a schedule that responds to your baby’s natural hunger cues, you should be sure to have a handy breast pump that can help make feeding time easier. With the right breast pump for your needs, you can ensure you’re ahead of your baby’s schedule. 

At Pumps for Mom, we want all moms to be on top of their new schedules with a baby. That’s why we offer a range of incredible breast pumps through insurance. And to ensure you have all you need, you can obtain your ideal breast pump accessories and compression products. Head to our easy-to-fill form to get started, or contact our team today!

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