Tips to Keep Newborns Safe and Healthy

It’s natural for first-time parents to feel as if their baby is as fragile as glass for the first few weeks or months. We totally get it–the world can be scary! But there are plenty of things parents can do to keep their newborn safe and healthy without resorting to wrapping them in bubble wrap. With a few simple steps, parents can breathe a sigh of relief knowing their little one is as safe as possible. Read below to explore our tips to keep newborns safe and healthy in an unpredictable world.

1. Breastfeed, breastfeed, and breastfeed some more

One of the most widely recommended ways to keep infants feeling their best is to provide breast milk exclusively for the first six months of life and continue through the first year while incorporating other foods. Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition with an ideal combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and it continues to change to meet babies’ needs as they grow. In addition to providing nearly perfect nutritional value, breast milk also has bioactive components and antibodies that can help your baby fight bacteria, viruses, and infections. Research also suggests breastfed babies have fewer instances of medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, and allergies later in life. Make sure to breastfeed safely by using proper storage, keeping your breast pump clean, and avoiding feedings in bed. 

We know breastfeeding isn’t easy, but a breast pump may help you enjoy a more comfortable breast pumping experience. Pumps for Mom offers breast pumps through insurance so moms can breastfeed without breaking the budget. We are passionate about helping moms continue to breastfeed comfortably so their newborns can feel their best.

2. Be aware of SUID and SIDS risk factors

Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), which includes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), is a common source of fear for new parents. Although experts don’t fully understand why SUID occurs, there are certain steps parents can take to reduce their infant’s risk factors, like practicing safe breastfeeding. In addition to breastfeeding, one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of SUID is to ensure safe sleeping practices. This means making sure the crib is free of blankets, soft bedding, and toys, always placing your baby on his or her back to sleep, and never sharing your bed with your little one. Eliminating these risks can be easy when parents know what to look for. If you have any other questions about safe sleeping practices, reach out to your obstetrician or pediatrician for additional tips!

3. Check your car seat installation

Any new parent knows that putting in the car seat correctly can be a hassle. But taking a little extra time to ensure your car seat is installed properly can make a huge difference, even in a minor car accident. Get your car seat checked by a certified and trained technician in many easily accessible locations, like fire stations, automobile dealerships, hospitals, and police stations. Additionally, make sure to follow all safety guidelines when you and your little one hit the road, such as keeping the car seat rear-facing for the first year of life and always using the proper anchors and tethers.

4. Double down on baby-proofing

We know your little one isn’t capable of much when they first come home, but before you know it, he or she will be crawling, stumbling, and walking all over the house. That’s why it’s never too early to install baby gates around staircases and potentially dangerous areas like the kitchen. Additionally, certain objects around the house can pose a danger to newborns, toddlers, and children if not assembled safely. Falling hazards, including dressers, televisions, tables, and other pieces of furniture must be securely anchored to a wall to avoid danger for all members of your family. A little time with a power drill can keep your baby safe as they grow and become more active around the house.

We know how scary the world can feel when you bring your new baby home. And although some things may be out of our control, parents can help protect their little ones by following these simple tips. Take a breath–you’re doing great!

The Pumps for Mom team is here to make moms’ lives easier. With all of the unpredictable ways motherhood can go wrong, we make sure getting your insurance breast pump goes right. Our wide range of breast pump brands and simple qualification form keeps you in control. Our experts will walk with you through every part of the process, from picking the right pump to ensuring you have a prescription from your doctor if you need it. While you’re taking care of your little one, let Pumps for Mom take care of you.

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