
The Truth Behind 5 Breastfeeding Myths
Breastfeeding myths and other falsities about motherhood abound, and many new moms deal with opinions and judgments from every direction. False statements about motherhood can add unnecessary pressure, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the breastfeeding journey so you don’t set unrealistic expectations. We’re disproving some of...
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How a Breast Pump May Make Breastfeeding Easier
Breastfeeding is no easy task. Whether you’re struggling with developing a steady supply, your little one isn’t latching well, or you’re experiencing sore nipples and discomfort, you’re not alone! And while a breast pump can’t solve every problem, it may make life easier for those first few months as moms get used to breastfeeding. Read...
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How the Color of Your Breast Milk May Change
Just when you think pregnancy changed your body enough for a lifetime, it adjusts again to produce breast milk. You may notice that your breast milk is a slightly different color from one day to the next. Don’t panic; this is normal! Learn more about how the color of your breast milk can change throughout...
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Breastfeeding Safety Tips
Even before their little one enters the world, parents do everything they can to keep their babies safe. From baby-proofing the entire house to taking prenatal vitamins every day, moms and dads are often constantly concerned about their baby’s safety. Everything can feel like it poses a risk with a new baby–even something as natural...
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Breast Milk Storage 101
Breast milk isn’t called liquid gold for nothing. Perfectly safe breast milk goes to waste if new parents aren’t confident in their breast milk storage. Moms do a lot of work to make sure their breast milk is perfect for their little one. Don’t let an ounce go to waste due to fear of improper...
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Finding the Best Breast Pump for You
With countless breast pump brands and models to choose from, it’s hard to know which one will work best. Not all breast pumps are equal! The pump that works best for a stay-at-home mama is not necessarily the best choice for a mom who is working full-time. Plus, some breast pumps are completely covered by...
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5 Foods to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply
Low breast milk supply can be frustrating for moms who are committed to exclusive breastfeeding. And with no “breast milk” section at the grocery store, it may feel like there is nothing you can do to keep your little one full. While breast milk supply cannot be broken down to an exact science, there are...
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What “Charlotte’s Law” Could Mean for Breastfeeding Moms in Georgia
Many new moms have enough on their minds without trying to keep up with their state legislature. For breastfeeding moms in Georgia, however, a proposed law in the state legislature could have a noticeable impact on how you pump at work. A new bill, known as Charlotte’s Law, has been proposed in the Georgia Senate....
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How to Prepare for Your Breastfeeding Journey
As if nine months of pregnancy aren’t challenging enough, many moms are at the start of an entirely new journey once a little one arrives. That’s right, it’s time to breastfeed. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life, this timeframe may seem next to...
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5 Tips for Breast Pumping at Work
Constant feedings and pumping sessions make breastfeeding feel like a full-time job for new working mamas. It may feel like you are juggling breast pump flanges, emails, storage bottles, and meetings all on your own. As overwhelming as this is, you’re not alone! Pumps for Mom is here to help you navigate the challenge of...
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